Tax Advice in Barcelona

We develop, together with our clients, an appropriate tax planning strategy to meet tax obligations, minimise tax burden, and optimise the use of the company’s economic resources. We consider all legal alternatives and propose strategies for each case.

Our team has extensive experience in all types of national and international tax matters, both in the field of individuals and companies.

In this regard, being aware of the impact of globalisation on the internationalisation of business and individual decisions, we offer international advisory services both in the field of direct and indirect taxation, as well as preparation and presentation of mandatory tax and legal declarations.

In recent years, the Authorities have increased the tax control of taxpayers in many sectors, which is why it is more necessary than ever to have a good advice and tax planning, with the aim, not only of optimizing taxation but of complying in the most diligent and efficient way with all the obligations that are required every day by the Tax Authorities and other public entities (Commercial Registry, Bank of Spain, etc.).

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    Tax advisory services for companies

    Our services are designed to provide your company with the necessary support to efficiently manage its tax and legal obligations, allowing you to focus on your business growth and success.

    Personalized advice

    Case study and presentation of existing alternatives in relation to any operation proposed by the client, taking special consideration of the client’s personal/business situation and the legal and tax effects of all kinds arising from the proposed transaction, i.e. the transaction is analyzed from both the tax and legal and particular aspects affecting the client.

    Ongoing tax advice

    Continuous tax advice in the day-to-day running of the company’s business, including both specific consultations by telephone or email and the study of specific operations proposed by the client.

    Advice on tax returns

    Advice and, if so agreed with the client, preparation and filing of tax returns, both in direct and indirect taxation, for the following taxes and models, among othersboth in the field of direct and indirect taxation, for, among others, the following taxes and models:

    • Personal Income Tax (IRPF, form 100) and Wealth Tax (IP, form 714).
    • Non-Resident Income Tax (IRNR, model 210)
    • Corporate Income Tax (IS, form 200), as well as its installment payments (form 202).
    • Value Added Tax (VAT, forms 303 and 390), as well as the recapitulative declaration of intra-Community transactions (form 349), INTRASTAT and Form 369, among others.
    • Quarterly and annual declarations of withholdings and payments on account (forms 115, 123, 180 and 193, among others).
    • Inheritance and Gift Tax (ISD, forms 650 and 660) before the Tax Agency of Catalonia and the State Tax Agency.
    • Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty (ITPAJD, form 600)
    • Foreign Investment Forms (Form 720, Form D-6 and ETE)
    • Form 720 (Declaration of assets and rights abroad).
    • Declarations for impatriates (form 151-Beckham) and expatriates (exit tax).
    • Informative declaration of related-party transactions (form 232)
    • European VAT refund application (form 360)
    • Municipal capital gains tax (Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land).
    • Other taxes and fees (e.g., IAE) and excise taxes.

    Study and resolution of tax consultations

    We study and resolve specific queries of any kind that the client may have, considering the applicable regulations, the jurisprudence of the courts of justice and the administrative doctrine of the General Directorate of Taxation that affects the specific case.

    Tax administration procedures

    Follow-up, preparation and presentation of briefs before the tax authorities in all types of tax proceedings in all types of tax procedures such as inspections, data verification processes, limited verification or sanctioning procedures, including the following:

    • Response to requests
    • Tax procedures
    • Presentation of allegations
    • Filing of appeals for reconsideration and economic-administrative complaints
    • Filing of contentious-administrative appeals.

    Accounting and tax closing: annual financial statements and income tax.

    In the case of companies, preparation of the accounting and tax closing of the fiscal year and preparation of the Annual Financial Statements and Corporate Income Tax.

    Tax savings

    We will consider the tax consequences of any operation that the client may consider to carry out, as well as advice on the alternative that generates the greatest tax well as advice regarding the alternative that generates the greatest tax savings.

    Representation before the Tax Administration

    Represent the client before the Tax Administration in all types of procedures, whenever possible, whether in person or electronically. In particular, representation of the client (both natural and legal persons) in tax inspection processes before any administration: AEAT, Generalitat, City Councils, Provincial Councils.

    Regulatory developments

    Continuous communication with the client regarding all types of regulatory developments that may arise that may arise and affect the client’s tax situation.

    Due Diligence

    Cryptocurrency tax consultancy