Accounting Consultancy in Barcelona

Accounting advice

The accounting of a company or self-employed is an essential economic discipline for the proper development of any business. For us, its correct functioning is a crucial element, given that accounting information is a fundamental tool for analyzing the evolution of the business, being always essential today to have knowledge of the real state of the financial accounts of the company business. To have the most updated accounting information, is what our accounting area is dedicated to.

On the other hand, the extensive regulations that affect the accounting of companies and how these regulations affect the results of the business and the submission of the financial statements, makes it essential to have good accounting advice, which is why we have experts in this matter.

Finally, it is relevant to keep in mind that a correct accounting will allow you to meet your tax obligations with greater peace of mind, since the relevant taxes will have been settled based on a correct accounting of the transactions carried out.

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    External monitoring of accounting

    • External monitoring of accounting: a record of transactions, as well as records of invoices issued, received and investment goods.

    Financial statements

    • Preparation and review of monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements: Balance sheet and Profit and Loss account.
    • Preparation and presentation of quarterly and annual statements

    Preparation and presentation of quarterly and annual statements

    • Preparation and submission of quarterly and annual returns (forms 303, 111, 130, 349, 216, 296, 390, 190, 180, 369).

    Accounting review

    • Accounting review, if done internally by the client, as well as making adjustments and preparation for the annual closing.


    • Control of assets and depreciation tables.


    • Registration of salary costs and payments to staff.

    Financial operations

    • Bank reconciliation and other financial transactions.

    Accounting books and Annual Accounts

    • Legalization of accounting books and submission of Annual Accounts.
    • Punctual referral to the client of the financial statements, carrying out the procedures with the Treasury and with the corresponding Tax Authorities.
    • Examination of Accounting Records
    • Preparation of annual accounts
    • Accounting services for small businesses

    Coordination with the Tax Department

    • Coordination with the Fiscal Department of this firm for the correct legalization of books, preparation of fiscal closure, presentation of annual accounts, etc.

    Accounting advisor


    Sònia Gispert Satorra
    Accounting advisor


    Victor García Ortuño
    Accounting advisor