Spring comes and, with it, the declarations with which we have to regularize our tax situation before the Tax Agency in relation to the IRPF. It is done through the famous income tax, which this year begins on April 5 and comes with news that may affect you directly.
So that you do not miss any details on this year’s income statement, we invite you to continue reading this article with the explanations of the calendar and the changes that brings the 2017.
Calendar to present the 2016 income
The most important dates of 2017 to present the 2016 income tax return are:
– 5th of April. Internet presentation of the draft and forms of Renta 2016 and Patrimony 2016.
– From May 11 to June 30. Presentation of the declaration at the bank office and offices of the AEAT.
– Until June 26. Presentation of the draft and declaration of income with result to be entered with direct debit.
– Until June 30th. Presentation of the draft and declaration of income in the rest of cases.
What’s new in 2017?
One of the most relevant novelties of this year is that Hacienda has completely suppressed the PADRE program and can only make the income statement physically in an office or through the Renta Web system. The Web Renta system already worked last year for simple modifications of the draft, but it lived with the PADRE program.
Another news from 2017 concerns deductions from large families or people with disabilities. Now, taxpayers who are not obliged to file a declaration can assign the right to deduct in favour of another taxpayer who is entitled to the same descendant, ascendant or large family.
It is important to remember that even if a taxpayer is not required to file the income in relation to the IRPF, it may be appropriate to do so in order to have the withholding and income reimbursed on account of their work or capital.
How to Make the Statement with Web Income
The replacement of the PADRE program by the RENTA WEB system confirms the new interest of the Tax Agency to carry out all taxes directly in the online tax office, as has happened this year with most informative statements.
These system, in our opinion, is much more complicated and unintuitive, so in fact difficults the management of statements. The data are much more difficult to introduce and verify, which we are sure will cause unintentional errors that will make that the Administration collects more via fines and requirements.
This type of presentation by Internet can be done with an electronic ID and / or electronic certificate for individuals, representatives of legal entities and other entities. In addition, individuals can also use a PIN or a reference number, which is obtained through the mobile phone.
If you need advice on the 2016 income tax return, contact GM Tax. With a meeting we will solve all your doubts, we will look for the most advantageous solution (that could be translated into an important money back) and we will remove the weight of which represents the rent each year.