Entrepreneurs and startups consultancy in Barcelona

Our advisory service for entrepreneurs and startups is designed to help those who want to start their own business or who have already done so and need guidance to make it a success. We offer a personalised approach tailored to the needs of each entrepreneur, with the aim of maximising their chances of success.

We help entrepreneurs achieve their goals and realise their business dreams.

Our aim is to provide a solid basis for the management and direction of the company and to establish the rules and conditions necessary to ensure the success and stability of the company and the relationships between its partners.

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Legal advice

We assist our clients in choosing the most suitable legal form for their business and provide advice on relevant legal and tax issues.

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Financial planning

We help our clients develop a sound financial plan, including identification of funding sources, income and expense projections, and cash flow management strategies.

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Market analysis and marketing strategies

We help our clients understand their target market and develop effective marketing strategies to reach it.

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Business plan development

We help our clients develop detailed business plans that describe their company’s objectives, strategy and organisational structure.

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Human resources advice

We provide advice on the recruitment, management and development of human resources, including compliance with labour regulations.

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Partners’ agreement

The shareholders’ agreement is an agreement between the shareholders of a company with the aim of regulating the relations between them and establishing the rules and conditions of its operation.