What accounting documentation should be kept and for how long?

What accounting documentation should be kept and for how long?

Optimising the tax burden is a crucial aspect for owners of a Sociedad Limitada (SL) in Spain. Knowing the deductible expenses allows the company to maximise its profits, reduce the taxable base and, consequently, reduce the amount payable in corporate income tax. A...
How to proof your status as a startup company?

How to proof your status as a startup company?

The new Law 28/2022, of December 21, on the promotion of the startup ecosystem (better known as the Startup Law) establishes that accreditation as a startup will be carried out by the National Innovation Company (hereinafter, “ENISA”). This accreditation...
Digital Platforms

Digital Platforms

The new obligations of digital platforms From 1st of January 2024, with the approval of the Cooperative Administration Directive (DAC7), significant changes have been introduced in online taxation, especially on trading platforms. These modifications aim to improve...
Alternatives for incorporating working partners

Alternatives for incorporating working partners

Throughout this post we will present you some alternatives to incorporate working partners with the intention of boosting your Startup. A Startup is an innovative business model that seeks to offer innovative solutions by making the most of technology, but to achieve...
Taxation of Non-Resident Partners and/or Employees

Taxation of Non-Resident Partners and/or Employees

Here we will tell you how the taxation of non-resident partners and/or employees works within the Spanish legal framework and whether or not there are any deductions for non-resident taxation. With the rapid advancement of the internet and the emergence of more...
How to Incorporate a SA (Sociedad Anónima) in Spain

How to Incorporate a SA (Sociedad Anónima) in Spain

A Sociedad Anónima (Public Limited Company) is a type of company commonly used in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, characterised by its limited liability and shareholding structure. If you are thinking of setting up a company in Spain, this article will...