Expenses of an SL

Expenses of an SL

Optimising the tax burden is a crucial aspect for owners of a Sociedad Limitada (SL) in Spain. Knowing the deductible expenses allows the company to maximise its profits, reduce the taxable base and, consequently, reduce the amount payable in corporate income tax. A...
Repayment of a company loan to a partner in Spain

Repayment of a company loan to a partner in Spain

The repayment of a loan between a company and a partner in Spain is regulated by a series of commercial and tax regulations. The main aspects to be taken into account to ensure legal compliance and avoid problems with the tax authorities are discussed below....
Deduction For Investment in Newly Created Companies in Barcelona

Deduction For Investment in Newly Created Companies in Barcelona

In Barcelona, as in the rest of Spain, taxpayers can benefit from a personal income tax deduction for investment in new businesses. This deduction is designed to encourage investment in start-ups and new companies, favouring the growth of the business fabric. This...
Shareholders’ Contributions Without Capital Increase

Shareholders’ Contributions Without Capital Increase

Shareholder contributions without capital increase are a useful financial tool for companies, especially in situations where liquidity or solvency is required without changing the share capital structure. This type of contribution has particular characteristics both...
Transfer of Units or Shares Between Family Members

Transfer of Units or Shares Between Family Members

For the transfer of shares in a company between family members, owners need to consider several important aspects: This article is of interest to you if… You want to transfer shares in the family in compliance with the law. You are looking to optimise taxes and...
Convening a general meeting of shareholders

Convening a general meeting of shareholders

Convening a General Meeting can seem like a complex and daunting task, especially if you are not familiar with the legal requirements and proper procedures. If you have ever wondered when and how to call an Ordinary General Meeting, you are in the right place. Here I...